Select the right plan based on your needs
Up to 20 hours of meetings
Billed monthly / per user / excl. taxes
Billed yearly / per user / excl. taxes
Start your free 21-day trial
Start your free 21-day trial
20 hours limit/user/month
Excess hours covered with Flex Packs
Automatically applied at $50 AUD per pack (excl. applicable taxes) for every 5 hours over.
Hours aggregated at company level
Key features
Meeting file notes (incl different templates)
Client summary email
Detailed meeting transcript
Ability to tailor templates & options
Platforms: Teams, Zoom, in-person
New features
Automated Letter of Engagement
Automated Notes to Paraplanners
Client Mind Maps
Billed monthly / per user / excl. taxes
Billed yearly / per user / excl. taxes
Start your free 21-day trial
Start your free 21-day trial
Unlimited hours limit/user/month
Excess hours covered with Flex Packs
Automatically applied at $50 AUD per pack (excl. applicable taxes) for every 5 hours over.
Hours aggregated at company level
Everything in Standard, plus
UNLIMITED hours per individual user
For larger-sized firms
Contact Sales
For firms with 10+ Advisors
Speak with Sales
Specifics to meet your needs
Excess hours covered with Flex Packs
Automatically applied at $50 AUD per pack (excl. applicable taxes) for every 5 hours over.
Hours aggregated at company level
Reach out to get
Fully custom file note template (BYO)
Discounted volume pricing
Early access to new features
And more...
Minimum user requirements
- Microsoft Teams licence: minimum plan level is 'Microsoft 365 Business Basic'
- Zoom license: minimum Zoom licence plan level is 'Zoom Pro'
- Must be on a ‘Business Plan’ subscription, as Personal Plans (Teams & Zoom) are not supported
Pricing calculator
See what pricing plan suits you best
Pricing calculator
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